Shiranuka (1982). Serigraph by Bill Zacha. WZ198250
Shiranuka (1982). Serigraph by Bill Zacha. WZ198250
Santa Maria in Cosmedin (Rome), now without the tower clock.
Korcula, Dalmatia.
The Dalmatian Coast, including the islands of Brac and Korcula.
Campanile, Chiesa dell Immacolada, Scario, Italy (2008).
Scario, Italy below Monte Bulgheria (2008).
Positano, Italy. Bill Zacha’s 1952 vantage today.
Positano (1952). Watercolor by Bill Zacha. (1952)
Mendocino 1978. Portuguese Flat. Serigraph by Bill Zacha. WZ197820
Floating World (1985). Fragile beauty created for the title page of Tokaido Journey, the boxed set. Serigraph by William Zacha. WZ198546