Flower by Dorr Bothwell (1960). Monotype with finger drawing. Private collection.
Flower by Dorr Bothwell (1960). Monotype with finger drawing. Private collection.
Stones in the Current by Dorr Bothwell (1960), Monotype (9.5″ x 7.5″). Peivate collection.
The Unknown by Dorr Bothwell 1959). Serigraph. Private collection.
Arnold Borley (2010) holding his copy of Dorr Bothwell’s poster for the 78th Annual Exhibit of the San Francisco Art Association. Photo: CG Blick
Dorr Bothwell’s poster for the 78th Annual Exhibit of the San Francisco Art Association (Apr. 2 to May 3, 1959). Lithograph.
High Country by Dorr Bothwell (1957). Serigraph. Private collection.
Bird Refuge 2 by Dorr Bothwell (1957). Serigraph. Private collection.
Bird Refuge by Dorr Bothwell (1957). Serigraph. Private collection.
Oak Creek Canyon by Dorr Bothwell (1957). Oil (42″ x 28″). Private collection.
1000 Palms by Dorr Bothwell (1955). Oil. Private collection.