The Continent of South America (l’Amérique du Sud) by Aimé Millet. Photo: Wikipedia
The Continent of South America (l’Amérique du Sud) by Aimé Millet. Photo: Wikipedia
The Continent of North America (l’Amérique du Nord) by Ernest Eugène Hiolle. Photo: Wikipedia
The Continent of Africa (l’Afrique) by Eugène Delaplanche. Photo: Wikipedia
The Continent of Oceania, or Australia, (l’Océanie) by Mathurin Moreau. Photo: Wikipedia
Back in Town: Europa & the Girls (1992). Charles Marchant Stevenson and Matt Leach celebrate the Musée d’Orsay’s heroic sculptures of the Continents envisioned as six magnificent women, seated on a low wall on the south side of the museum’s courtyard. From left to right, the painting depicts the first four Continents, l’Europe, l’Asie, l’Afrique, and l’Amérique du Nord. Why the title? Acrylic on canvas (21” x 48”). Signed on the back: Stevenson/Leach. Original artist’s frame. SKU: CS199212*
Portrait of a Young Golfer (1990). acrylic on canvas. Stevenson/Leach Studios. SKU: CS199050
Kelley House Pond by Charles Marchant Stevenson (1980). Acrylic on canvas covered wood panel. Mendocino’s Kelley House Museum is across the pond. SKU: CS198020
Le Spectre de la Rose (1988). Inscription: “Je suis le Spectre de la Rose que vous avez hier soir au bal porter.” In the ballet, the Spirit of the Rose addresses a dreaming girl, just returned from her first ball, where she wore the Rose on her corsage, and on whose alabaster bosom the Rose expired in joy. Here the eroticism is explicit. Acrylic on canvas (48” x 30”). Signed Stevenson. Stevenson/Leach Studios. Original artist’s frame. SKU: CS198810*
Running Boy by Charles Marchant Stevenson (1980), in the tradition of Winslow Homer and Thomas Eakins, and inspired by the pioneering motion studies of photographer Eadweard J. Muybridge. Acrylic on canvas (21” x 48”). Handsigned on reverse. SKU: CS198010
Through a Glass Darkly: Jean Spetrino montage by Charles Marchant Stevenson (1976). Acrylic (24″ x 48″). SKU: CS197610