Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists
ARTIST Hilda Pertha (1911-2011) and HER BIOGRAPHER Connie Korbel-Mickey
Connie Korbel-Mickey writes about Hilda Pertha:
Invited in 2012 by Collections Specialist Jason Stieber to be included in the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Art, HILDA PERTHA, one of six Mendocino Heritage Artists, was the first painting instructor at William Zacha’s Mendocino Art Center, beginning in 1960… Hilda was a prolific, accomplished international artist with an exceptional intellect who also wrote and taught.
I am honored to have her life legacy entrusted to me for publication on her behalf. I once asked Hilda how long it had taken her to complete a painting she had just signed. She said, “All my life.”

Connie Korbel-Mickey, Hilda Pertha’s friend, colleague, archivist, and chosen biographer, has created an ongoing exploration of Pertha’s life and work at
Articles by Hilda Pertha, and articles about her, excerpts from her journals, discussions of her work, biographical material, including a detailed CV, photographs of her artwork, and personal photographs, all are here in gorgeous abundance.
Of special interest, Korbel-Mickey has transcribed and posted the more than 200 interviews and articles Hilda Pertha published in WESTART magazine.

Contact Connie Korbel-Mickey at

Hilda Pertha
Hilda Pertha: Artwork
Hilda Pertha: Norway
The Mendocino Heritage Artists