Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists
Dorr Bothwell: Artwork

Dorr Bothwell’s Portraits: Family and Self
Dorr Bothwell’s Portraits: Friends
Dorr Bothwell’s Ceramics (1936-1938)
WPA Project: Youth & Democracy Fresco (1938)
WPA Project: The De Anza Monument (1940)
Manning’s Coffee Murals (1940-1942)
Dorr Bothwell’s African Sketchbook
Not Quite the Same: Variations on Themes
Three Dancers and Other Monotypes
Seasons, Holidays & Celebrations
Keepsakes, Souvenirs, Memories
Alphabets, Watchwords & Blessings
Mandalas, Icons, Shrines & Altars
Time Portals, Samplers & Gaze Stones
Water, Woodlands, Mountains & Desert
Aunt Dell & Red Roses for Bill
Antes de Muerte
Dorr Bothwell’s artwork in galleries
All works of visual art by Dorr Bothwell are © 2022 The Dorr Bothwell Trust, Mill Valley, California. For permission to reproduce images by Dorr Bothwell, contact
Marlys Mayfield, Trustee, the Dorr Bothwell Trust.
Dorr Bothwell: Chronology, Exhibits, Publications
Dorr Bothwell: Straws in the Wind
Dorr Bothwell: acrylic transfer and laserprint
What is a serigraph?
What was the WPA?
World War II in the Bay Area
The Women Behind Bothwell’s Three Dancers
Archives of American Art
Dorr Bothwell in Her Own Words
Barebones Bothwell
Mendocino Heritage Artists