Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists

Saint Michael and All-Angels Episcopal Church, 201 E. Fir Street, Fort Bragg, California, is home to Charles Marchant Stevenson’s stained glass Angel Windows.

The church website once offered this brief history of those windows
Our redwood church is classic in its California Mission design, complemented with many improvements. Over the years we have added the kitchen and restrooms, a modern heating system, organ, redwood altar paneling, handcrafted pulpit, brasses, and churchbell.
Windows (1974-1984)
During the 1970s, the church received its most outstanding feature, the beautiful original stained glass angel windows. The stained glass windows replace the original amber glass double-hung sash and some leaded multi-light panes. They were all designed by nationally-acclaimed, local artist Charles Marchant Stevenson.
He made full size paintings which served as cartoons, or work plans, and which are, through the artist’s generosity, now hung in Larsen Hall.

Glass work
All glass work was accomplished locally by stained glass artisans Larry and Margo Brookins – who crafted every window.

Frames and pediments
The handcarved wood frames and pediments were done by Bob Collier of Mendocino.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Have you heard of the laborer who said, I’m not chipping stone, I’m building a cathedral? We honor the architect and the artist, but we remember that, most often, it takes more than one person to bring beauty into the world. If you have old photos of the fabrication or installation of the Angel Windows, or their fames and pediments, or know the names of others who helped, you’re invited to share them here. Please contact our Archivist.
Saint Michael the Archangel
All but four of the eleven windows depict a vigorous and athletic Angel, Michael, in various attitudes of praise and benediction.

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise Him, Ye Creatures Here Below

Praise Him Above, Ye Heavenly Host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


Angels with Censers
The pair of Angels in the Altar Sanctuary windows are swinging golden censers. Note the unusual handling of the free-hanging panes with wings and billows of incense made separately and applied front and back in an impressive composition.
First Angel with Censer

Second Angel with Censer

The Infant Christ
The Narthex pane shows the Infant Christ and was dedicated one Christmas Eve.
Angels on the South Facade
The latest window is in the South facade and shows four angels showering us with stars…

Two Studies for Angel One

Mary: Two Studies

Visiting the Church
All are welcome for worship with music on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am, with laying on of hands during communion, for Morning Prayer on Thursday at 8:30 am, and Healing Service Wednesdays at 11 am.
For the best times to see the Angel Windows in the church sanctuary, and the Angel paintings in Larsen Community Hall, please call the office at Saint Michael and All-Angels: 707-964-1900
St. Michael & All-Angels Episcopal Church
201 E. Fir Street, Fort Bragg, California 95437
Legends, Myths, Philosophy & Metaphysics
Charles Marchant Stevenson: Artwork
Stevenson in His Own Words
About Charles Marchant Stevenson
Stevenson-Leach Studios
Mendocino Heritage Artists