Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists
Charles Marchant Stevenson: Travels
Back in Town: Europa & the Girls

Charles Marchant Stevenson and Matt Leach celebrate the Musée d’Orsay’s heroic sculptures of the Continents envisioned as six magnificent women, seated on a low wall on the south side of the museum’s courtyard. From left to right, the painting depicts the first four Continents, l’Europe, l’Asie, l’Afrique, and l’Amérique du Nord. Why the title? Learn more about the Continents.
See Stevenson and Leach in Paris
Jane Rhodes at the Palais Royal

Inscribed: Jane Rhodes at the Palais Royale. Painted from memory the morning after Charles Marchant Stevenson, and companion Arnold Borley, attended French mezzo-soprano Jane Rhodes’ concert in Paris.
Curtain Going Up: Drury Lane

Sleuth at Saint Martin’s

Inscription: Marius Goring and Anthony Valentine in “Sleuth” at St. Martin’s Theater, London.
Time-Lapse London

Trafalgar Lion


Portcullis is shown with mat and frame. It was auctioned as part of the Arnold Borley estate. We are looking for a better photo. Please contact us if you can help.
Vendor at the Baptistry, Pisa

A young souvenir vender, at the eastern door of the Baptistry of the Cathedral of Pisa, sits shielded from hot morning sun. His stand is laden with guidebooks and, a tourist favorite, small models of the Torre pendente di Pisa, the Leaning Tower. Behind the vendor is a box of prickly pear pads from home, and pliers for handling them. He scans the morning paper, and waits for the crowds

Sicilian Wedding

Carnival in Venice

In early twilight, masked Carnival revelers throng the alleys and bridges of Venice.
3 Elephants

2 Camels

Charles Marchant Stevenson eavesdrops on a pair of camels checking out chicks. Translation: Camel #1 – Which chick do you like? Camel #2 – That one, definitely!
Feluccas on the Nile

The felucca, its graceful lines virtually unchanged for millennia, with sails like the wings of the Nile’s great white egrets, glides between Aswan and Luxor.
Mustapha at the Temple of Kom Ombo

Mustapha is the extraordinary Egyptologist who was Charles Marchant Stevenson’s guide in Egypt, and who became his friend, later coming to visit Stevenson in Mendocino. Here Mustafa explains the history of the double temple of Kom Ombo, built on the Nile by the Ptolemies in the Second Century C.E.
The Citadel by Moonlight

Charles Marchant Stevenson views the mid-19th century Great Mosque of Mehmet Ali Pasha through an exquisite grillework window within the Citadel, a medieval Islamic fortification in Cairo. The Mosque was built within the walls of the Citadel which might be the reason the Mosque itself is popularly known as The Citadel (al-qal’a). Surah 24:35 of the Holy Qur’an says, “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth,” and likens the light of Allah to the light of a lamp. The simple terracotta oil lamp at the window is our reminder. Through the grillework, the domes of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali glow under the light of a full moon, each dome, symbolic of the dome of heaven.
The Window

The Great Mosque of Mehmet Ali Pasha

On the Way between Old and New Cairo

Charles Marchant Stevenson: Artwork
Stevenson in His Own Words
About Charles Marchant Stevenson
Mendocino Heritage Artists